silhouette slimming

DEP Acne Clearance

DEP Acne Clearance $280

Experience DEP Acne Clear The Best Solution to BLEMISH FREE Skin Without The Pain Of Needles

DEP Acne Clear is a needle free and non-invasive treatment; an advance formula by using multi growth factors, peptides, skin friendly amino acids and multiple Bio Active complexes that eradicate pimples and acne.

Expect to feel immediately revived and refreshed! Results will depend on your skin condition and how frequently you receive treatments. In general, including brighter, revitalized skin; fewer visible fine lines and wrinkles; fewer visible breakouts; improved skin texture and more balanced skin tone.  Most of our client notice visible results right away, and see even more progress over the course of several treatments.

  • Be brighter
  • Be revitalised
  • Have less fine lines and wrinkles
  • Have less visible breakouts
  • Have an improved skin texture
  • Have a more balanced skin tone
DEP Acne Clearance Service
Skin Booster Treatment

How it works:

With zero downtime and 75-80% product efficacy, FDA approved Dermo electroporation (D.E.P) technology to deliver the Multi Growth Factors & Peptides + acne clearing solution deep into the hypodermis layer, without the need for invasive needles. FDA-approved technology, this aesthetic device is clinically proven to deliver the same amount of solution at a faster speed and increase skin permeability by up to 17X compared to topical application.

  • Electrical Current Pulses flowing through the extra cellular matrix (ECM)
  • Long-chained glycosaminoglycans orient themselves to create “Aquaporins” (Water based channels) allowing the delivery of Macromolecules through the skin.

How it works:

With zero downtime and 75-80% product efficacy, FDA approved Dermo electroporation (D.E.P) technology to deliver the Multi Growth Factors & Peptides + acne clearing solution deep into the hypodermis layer, without the need for invasive needles. FDA-approved technology, this aesthetic device is clinically proven to deliver the same amount of solution at a faster speed and increase skin permeability by up to 17X compared to topical application.

  • Electrical Current Pulses flowing through the extra cellular matrix (ECM)
  • Long-chained glycosaminoglycans orient themselves to create “Aquaporins” (Water based channels) allowing the delivery of Macromolecules through the skin.
Skin Booster Treatment

Key Benefits:

  • Effectively fights bacteria
  • Inhibits the buildup of bacteria and dead skin cells in pores and follicles
  • Reduces redness from inflammation without drying the skin
  • Formulated with calming, soothing ingredients to guard against irritation
DEP HA Before and After

Real People Real Results:

Recommended for:

  • Pimple & Acne skin
  • Congested skin

Who is suitable for this treatment?

Both men and women who wish to have blemish free skin.

Duration: 90 minutes

Disclaimer: Results may vary depends on individual and other various factors such as age, gender, skin type and condition, use of other products used, health history, lifestyle, diet and many others.

About Us

SILHOUETTE introduced & trained TCM Weight Loss treatment for many SME salons in Singapore. SILHOUETTE does not rely on KOL/celebrity endorsement because we believe that the real customer result is the most attractive reason for you to come, and the result speaks for itself.

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